Mining Stock Portfolio Analysis
Maximize profits in your mining stock portfolio! Filter out the losers and buy more winners when you have expert precious metals stock analysis by Lobo Tiggre.
You probably know that you make money when you BUY, right?
You may also know that over time, many mining stock portfolios have a tendency to sell winners and hold losers.
Investors do this when they don’t like taking losses; or when they have “hope” that it will come back…
My experience is that “dog” stocks seldom come back.
I’ll also admit that I know this the hard way. My stock portfolios would be much larger if I had learned early on to sell the duds and hold the winners.
That said, there comes a time to sell winners, especially when it comes to Gold & Silver mining stocks.
Mining Stocks Are Burning Matches
Famous speculator Doug Casey is know for calling mining stocks “burning matches”.
What that means is that they “fire” but then quickly die. Unless you want to be caught holding the bag, you need to know when to SELL and TAKE PROFITS.
Unless you are a full time analyst who understands mining companies (like Lobo Tiggre) you’re likely to end up buying the wrong stocks and/or holding them too long.
The Best Way To Evaluate Your Mining Stock Portfolio
My Take Service from Louis James, LLC gives you a FAST, SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE way to cull the dogs from your portfolio and even replace them with some winners.
With hundreds of stocks already reviewed and ranked with a simple Green “Thumbs Up” or Red “Thumbs Down” rating you quickly determine if a name in your mining stock portfolio is a keeper or one to sell.
The service is stupid cheap and a no-brainer for speculators wanting to test the waters of Lobo Tiggre’s investing advice before going all-in with the Independent Speculator service.
My Take was definitely what the doctor ordered for my mixed bag portfolio of stocks leftover from the hey day of Gold & Silver’s last bull market.
Here’s the thing…
With Gold in the $1800 range and Silver around $26, QUALITY mining stocks can make a lot of money!
We don’t need new all time highs in order to rake in some big profits in this space.
All it takes is having someone who knows the business of kicking rocks to dig in to these mining companies drill results and financials to glean the insight of whether it’s a keeper or a seller.
Lobo Tiggre has the expertise and the connections to get information on not just the companies but the people running them; and often times it’s the people who make more difference than the geology when it comes to making money in this business.
We’ve known Lobo for years, going way back to his days working under Doug Casey at Casey Research. We trust his ability to determine what stocks belong in our mining stock portfolio and which ones don’t.
With My Take’s searchable index it’s easy to see whether or not the stock has been reviewed.
And unlike most other subscription services, you can email Lobo and ASK him to please add company {X} to the list. If enough people ask, it will get added!
Let’s end with a testimonial from the Louis James, LLC site:
I really like your newsletter and the way you keep your members informed. I have been taking financial newsletters since Harry Browne, Doug Casey, and yours is the best by far, and that is saying something, because Harry Browne was very good. Doug was alright, especially when you were there. You are doing a good Job, thanks. – Mickey H.
We agree 100%, and as a full subscriber have been putting our money where our mouth is.